O-1 Sponsorship

Virtual Music Collaboration, Inc.


Virtual Music Collaboration, Inc. Is…

A music agency registered in New York owned by Indonesian song-writer and music producer James F. Sundah, and collaboratively managed by musician/composer Pamela Kosin and few Berklee graduates. Not only we represent many celebrated international artists and musicians, we also guide them through the process of acquiring and securing their O-1 visa.


We provide

  • Help to petition O-1 visa

  • Assistance with contract and agency agreements

  • Assistance in building an Itinerary

  • Consultation for press coverage and publicity

  • Assistance with Consultation Letter


Frequently Asked Questions: O-1 visa petitioning entity, process and qualifications

Is it necessary to have O-1 visa petitioner? 

It is required to have a petitioner for O-1 visa as you, the beneficiary cannot petition for his/herself. There are requirements to be able to petition.

Is it possible to have multiple employers and gigs? 

Yes. We also would be able to represent and mediate your future employments and gigs. You will have the flexibility and freedom to work within your field of endeavor.

Who can be the employer? 

Anyone who would like to use your expertise, skills and services within the US can be your employer for whether it is a one time gig or a scheduled engagement.

What kind of O-1 visa petitioners are possible for artists? 

There are several types of US petitioners for O-1 Artist Visa: Employer and / or Agent Representative. This is allowed under the regulations as long as we receive authorization from your actual employer(s).

What is the difference of being petitioned by an Employer (or an Agent Functioning as an Employer) and by an Agent?

If the petitioner is an Employer, your visa will be completely dependent on them. An Employer can stop sponsorship for variety of reasons due to disputes between you and your Employer/Petitioner. In such situation, you could be left without status, and therefore must leave the US within 10 days.

However, if you use an agent, your visa will not be dependent on one employer. Not only you have the freedom to work for more than one employer at your field of endeavor, if in case you have a dispute with one or few of your employers, you may be able to stay in the US and continue working for your other employers.

Can Virtual Music Collaboration, Inc. also act as the Agent for Foreign Employer? 

Yes if certain conditions are met. We will obviously guide you throughout the process. This option will allow you, the beneficiary to work in the US through our representation and sponsorship.

Do I need to get paid through my petitioner? 

Only if your petitioner is your actual Employer. If your petitioner is the Agent / Representative, your actual employers can pay you directly.

Do I qualify for the O-1 Visa? 

If you have an active career that is well publicize and documented, you may qualify for the O-1 visa. You need to collect all the evidence of your career documentations and publications from magazines, newspapers, online, listing, reviews, flyers, posters, etc. and present it to an immigration lawyer / visa professionals to estimate your chances.


why choose VMC?

  • We are run by Berklee College of Music graduates and alumni who have been through the same O-1 visa process. Over the years, the intricacies of the procedure and technicalities required for the visa has become mechanical to us who has worked in this area and our methodology has been proven to be successful.

  • We provide an in-house legal council who specializes in O-visa with more than 20 years of experience.

  • As musicians ourselves, we play an active role in the music industry, although the O visa is not restricted to only musicians.

contact us and inqure about our services

Virtual Music Collaboration, Inc.